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Extraction Cartridge

One-piece extraction cartridge. With high mechanical resistance for Soxhlet laboratory extractors. Available in different fiber materials depending on your final application.

cartuchos de extracción para laboratorio


DORSAN® offers a very wide selection of one-piece extraction cartridges. With high mechanical durability, they are the best option for use in Soxhlet laboratory extractors. They are made of cellulose fibres, glass microfibre fibres and/or quartz microfibre fibres depending on the product’s end use.

To select your cartridge correctly, remember it will have to go through the narrowest part of the extractor’s upper casing. It should also be 5/10 mm longer than the height of the Soxhlet extraction chamber. The first digit represents the inner diameter and the second the outer length, both in mm.


Cellulose cartridges.
Glass microfibre cartridges.
Quartz microfibre cartridges.
Choose from a variety of sizes.
Maximum quality.



Tolerances Cellulose Fibres Glass Microfibres Quartz Microfibres
Interior diameter mm ± 3 ± 3 ± 3
Height mm ± 1 ± 1 ± 1
Wall thickness mm 1.5 ± 0.5 2.0 ± 0.5 2.0 ± 0.5
Penetration % DOP (0.3 μm) ­- < 0.002 < 0.002
Max. Temperature Celsius ­- 500 900


Code CEC-GF-QAZ Interior Diameter mm Height mm
16 x 100 16 100
19 x 90 19 90
20 x 80 20 80
20 x 100 20 100
22 x 80 22 80
22 x 100 22 100
25 x 60 25 60
25 x 80 25 80
25 x 100 25 100
26 x 60 26 60
28 x 80 28 80
28 x 100 28 100
30 x 60 30 60
30 x 80 30 80
30 x 100 30 100
30 x 150 30 150
33 x 60 33 60
33 x 94 33 94
33 x 100 33 100
41 x 123 41 123
43 x 123 43 123
43 x 125 43 125


Note. We reserve the right to modify the information contained in this pamphlet without prior notice.

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